Monday, February 3, 2014

Begin by Wailing!

The perpetrators should at least apologize to this unfortunate nation!

TTP for killing our 60,000 human beings!

Security Establishment for creating the Frankenstein so they can prosper financially,

Rishtay karanay wali Khala who got  unkil ejaz ul haq’ dada and dadi hooked up

Musharaf for slaughtering the constitution (and for ahmed raza qusoori)

Taher shah for eye to eye

Nawaz sharif for absconding and looting.

Shaheed bibi for asif!

Asif ali zardari for Asim Hussein!

Iftikhar chaudhry for Arsalan dada

PTI for shireen mazari’ hairdo

MQM for bhai’ singing.

Jamat-e-islami for being themselves

Religious fundoos like fazloo and hafiz saeed for egging us on for jihad while they are not able to do istinja (translation kurkay sawab-a-darayn hasil karein) properly (due to girth)! But I digress.

Joking aside, the least this nation deserves is a sincere apology. Call it truth and reconciliation or Bieber’ intervention, doesn’t matter. Bottom line is; those who have wronged us need to come sobbing, distraught and I mean I would like to see fluids emanating, whaling, and looking for pardon!  

And let’s not kidd ourselves, we know exactly who our villains are, thanks primarily to the flow of information. There are many in Pakistani diaspora who tag media as the problem as well, and quite frankly when you have the type of implosion of channels like Pakistan does its tough to maintain a certain level of quality. But I am convinced; we are better off as citizens because of the access to information.

We as people are extremely resilient, that’s stating the obvious! Pakistanis as a nation are also not petty. We show by voting in the same shady characters time and again, that we are forgiving (or dense, take your pick). But for the sake of whatever is sacred to you the perps, have some decency and come clean!

The political elite of Pakistan, the security establishment, the civil bureaucracy, business tycoons, big landlords, anyone and everyone whose life doesn’t suck like seem-0-thor, needs to be a little ashamed because rest assured that your cushy life is being subsidized at the expense of the vast majority of the citizenry.

It’s only fair that all of these jokers appear in person, with real remorse. We will keep bickering about one another, whether its Army which is the root-cause of all evil or is it the ineptness of our civilians?

But lets be clear that there is enough blame to go around and we can not start a fresh unless, there is a wholesale remorse and sincere apology from those who matter in Pakistan directed towards the 90% masses.

It is extremely dishonest and almost criminal from intellectuals like Hassan nisar, whom I admire to pieces, but it is absurd to draw a parallel between an individuals like Nawaz shareef or moonis ilahi or musharaf raping the country, literally and figuratively both and bhola nagori who adds a bit of water in my milk. I say its criminal because it dramatizes the debate and unnecessarily magnifies the problem. We have real problems in Pakistan but these are not problems that are bigger than what japan went thru after World War 2 or Sri Lanka more recently.  We can triumph provided good people stand up and be counted!

We can get out of the rut provided that first and foremost, those who have wronged us, who unfortunately will continue to call the shots, realize that they have messed up big time!

2nd thing we have to do is make 2 separate strategies.  1) Long term 2) short-term. I am not trying to infantilize a complex problem by breaking it down in this simplistic manner. But surely we need to put out fires like TTP and downward spiral of economy but we also have to make structural, REAL changes in the way we approach managing a country of our size. By all means start the dialogue, but state must realize its strength! 5000 thugs should not overwhelm the state and the majority! How can we not realize that TTP is literally toying with us and what they have done to Imran khan by naming him, its no short of poetic justice.

Its been said a gazillionth time that we can only change for better if we spend more on education and public healthcare and implement a robust, independent & empowered local bodies system. Something which none of the champions of democracy are ready to do. Civil society should expose them.

The civil society should take strength from the events that transpired during CJ restoration. I am not a fan of chaudhry but the fact of the matter is that civil society, media and lawyers decided on something and ALL movers and shakers either made a beeline or got steamrolled in to submission.

We can fix our country, we really can! People like Jibran nasir and absar alam and hamid meer and faisal sabzwari and bilawal zardari and murad saeed and babar sattar and wussat ullah khan and dr. rizvi and folks from citizens foundation and millions of others who are honest, talented and dedicated, want to and can contribute. The trick is to figure out how to bring these folks at helm of affairs. How?
In simplest of terms, 5 elections on time and I am certain that we will be much better off in 25 years.

Nigah Buland, Sukhan Dil Nawaz, Jaan Pursouz
Yehi Hai Rakht-e-Safar Mir-e- Karwan Ke Liye

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