Thursday, July 9, 2015

MQM will welcome the next Martial Law Administrator

and how can you blame them? Its deja vu all over again. This is a tried and tested formula. You push MQM in a corner, suffocate them and then after the military take over, give them an olive branch and garner the popular mandate of the only city that matters in pakistan...and run amok for decades like musharaf did.

Obviously when MQM is fighting for survival and pushed against the wall, principle of democracy takes a back seat and priority one is to stand on your own feet. I am not at all surprised at modus operandi of the establishment because we have all been here before but What i find absolutely amazing is the numbness and dumbness of all of these democratic champions who seem to think that they will walk away unscathed.
It is exhausting that after decades of Armed dictatorships, civilians havent learned a lick. The security establishment either because of lack of imagination and probably because of laziness dont even change the characters and still civilians walk right in to it.

I as a democrat protested the 99 coup even though i am no fan of Nawaz shareef or PPP. and thru out opposed musharf during his heyday and still consider him to be a usurper and overall a bad news. My opinions on musharaf and his armed dictatorship is a huge point of contention amongst my friends and family who are mqm supporters, and i consider myself as one as well. But as a die hard pakistani, i am convinced beyond a shadow  of a doubt that my motherland' fortunes will not change if the same tested and tried recipe of Martial Law is repeated. We have many problems and our civilians rulers are pathetic for less of a better word, but still we would do far worse in bigger scheme of things if this country was to encounter another 'mayray aziz hamwatano'. we as a nation should unequivocally agree on this basic principle that never again will we be ruled by an individual whose only prominence to power is that he commands the most number of guns. it might cut down corruption by 5-7% although i seriously doubt it , but more importantly it does unimaginable damage to the fabric of nation at its core.
I have said it before and its worth repeating that Altaf Hussein and MQM' leadership should be taken to gallows if they have committed acts which are considered crimes under tazerat-e-pakistan. But please make sure that the same rule is applied to Nawaz Shareef, Zardari, Imran Khan, Shah Mehmood QUreshi, Jehangir Tareen, Aleem Khan, Maulana Fazlur Rehman, Munnawar Hassan, Hamid Gul, Musharaf, Aslam Beg, Asad Durrani, Javed Ashraf Qazi, Ashfaq Pervaiz Kiyani, Shuja Pasha and on and on and on. Where will you stop? You couldnt! What you need is a truth and reconciliation commission where all the ones mentioned above and hundreds more come and sincerely weep and ask for forgiveness from the people of pakistan. If you dont, and just keep killing MQM workers extra judicially  in cold blood, like you did in 90' and like you have recently then rest assured that MQM will not whither away and the eventual casualty will be the democracy of pakistan. And that will be a sad sad day.

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